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God is the Master Artist and You are His Masterpiece

One of a kind and created for purpose

I’ve lived in a private nightmare for most of my adult life and felt like I was stuck in victim mode—“how could this be happening to me?!” It was hard and I often felt hopeless. Crying out to God for help for literally decades seemed to be a lost cause, as I didn’t see any evidence of Him answering those prayers.

However, when I started learning mixed media art in the middle of my yuck, God began to show me his perspective of the work He was doing in my life in a very visual and kinesthetic way. You see, because He too, is an artist.

As I planned out different mixed media projects, I saw how the Master Artist has a plan for my life. As I put down the different layers–which by themselves were pretty ugly–to create my vision for a piece, I saw how He uses different events in our lives–especially those ugly ones–to fulfill his vision for each of us.

I learned how God’s perspective of our pain and our journey through this life was completely different from my perspective! He really was at work behind the scenes answering my prayers during the ugly. I just couldn’t see it in my pain. He was also building my character and strength while working everything out for my good and His glory. He was and is transforming me into his masterpiece, just as He is in your life too.

Coming out of the yuck (that lasted for over a quarter of a century!) and seeing God redeeming and restoring what was lost, I am in a totally different place, or “season”, now. Seasons are a part of our journey through life: some are good, some are bad, and some are just down right UGLY. But just like the layers in mixed media art, all the seasons are needed to have a lovely, full of depth and character, finished piece.  God has created you for more–for more purpose, for more life, for more adventure with Him–than maybe you can see right now in an ugly season. So you can’t give up! You might just need a perspective change…

Shift your perspective~ Heal your heart- Live with purpose-Transform your life!

Much love,


God is the Master Artist and You are His Masterpiece

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)


My site has different topics for inspiration and encouragement for your journey!


Your journey through this life has good, bad and ugly seasons that God uses to transform you into who He created you to be. Find resources and inspiration to keep from staying stuck in the yuck.


Do you know why you’re here? Find out God’s plans for you that He created you to fulfill during your one precious life. You were created for more!


The act of creating is great self-care to endure the journey as well as make sense of it. See how similar God’s work in our lives is to creating, and find ideas on how to incorporate art into your life.


Read more about my story of how I hit bottom and finally began to see how God had been working all along on the canvas of my life.

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