As I’ve mentioned before, my church hosts Perspectives Arts shows throughout the year, and it’s time for The Perspectives on the Passion Art Show! This show portrays the last 24 hours of Christ’s life by inviting artists to select a theme or station based on The Scriptural Way of the Cross. Then, during Lent, the artists create a piece of art with their perspective of that theme/station with the show on display during Passion week.
I have done several of the stations over the years:
- Station 1: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Station 2: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested
- Station 4: Jesus is denied by Peter
- Station 6: Jesus is scourged at the pillar and crowned with thorns
- Station 13: Jesus dies on the cross
Three years ago, I was going to select Station 9: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem. It’s usually under-represented in the show because it’s a harder to understand passage. I was always afraid to do that station, so that’s why I decided to do it!
My Creative Process
As part of my creating process for these shows over the years, I first meditate on the associated scripture, putting myself in the story. What would I be feeling if I were there? What would this look like? Then, I start collecting pictures for visual inspiration. I collect images of how that station has been portrayed in the past, pictures of people showing the emotions I want to convey, while also looking for a new technique to try to stretch myself. I gather many, many images to start, and then prayerfully begin to pull out the ones that stand out to me. Praying for inspiration, I further narrow down my visuals until divine inspiration hits, and only then starting my piece.
So early February 2018, I start my process for the Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem. I meditate on the corresponding scripture:
A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him. Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children, for indeed, the days are coming when people will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed.’ At that time, people will say to the mountains, ‘Fall upon us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ for if these things are done when the wood is green what will happen when it is dry?”
Luke 23: 27-31
I read commentaries on this passage. I collect many images of how it’s been done in the past. I prayerfully start narrowing down, but nothing. No divine inspiration. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
I’ve Got Nothin’!
It was during this time that I was looking to move me and my kids out of the house. I had filed for divorce several months before and had been looking for a house to rent, but there were very few options on the market at that time. We had Henry by then, which further narrowed down the choices, as most houses did not take dogs. And then, mid-February, there it was! The perfect house for us to move into! But the lease started March 1st, right in the middle of Lent, right in the middle of my art process.
Seeing freedom within my reach, I signed the lease and started packing. I would not be able to participate in the show that year. It was almost a relief to have moving as an excuse, since I didn’t have any inspiration anyway.
After Waiting a Year, Let’s Try This Again
Fast forward to last year—I am going to do that station! I’m in my own place, peace levels are higher than they’ve ever been. I got this! I pick up where I had left off the previous year, pulling up my visuals. I meditated on the scripture, gathered more pictures and prayed for divine inspiration. And I prayed, and I waited. And NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Really, God?!! AHHH!
But it was during that time, that a severe bout of depression hit. After holding it together for so long in my toxic marriage, it caught up with me and I found myself in a dark place that lasted for months. Everything was all a blur as I just went thru the motions in the dark. I had to tell my church that I wouldn’t be creating a piece for that year’s show. I felt bad, but I felt BAD. And I didn’t have any inspiration anyway.
After Waiting 2 Years, Let’s Try This Again?
Fast forward to this year—I am going to do that station…MAYBE! I’m in my own place, peace levels are higher than they’ve ever been. I’ve been working on keeping myself in my window of tolerance so I don’t shut down. The show has even expanded to THEMES and the one I am working on falls under Lament. Perfect!
I tentatively pick up where I had left off the previous year, pulling up my visuals. I meditated on the scripture, gathered more pictures and prayed for divine inspiration. And I prayed, and I waited. And waited. And then, I started to despair. NOO! Can I not hear God anymore? What is going on?!
So I just wait. And pray, and put it on God. “You’ve got to give me something, God, or I’ve got nothin’!”
Then one day, while at work on my lunch break, I’m scrolling through headlines. A video captures my attention and I watch it. In the video, a woman is hanging a piece of art between interviews, even though the video is not about the art. I’m intrigued by this display and I pause the video, seeing how it was done.
Divine Inspiration Finally Comes
Then it hit me—DIVINE INSPIRATION!! This concept would be PERFECT for ‘Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem’!! I did a happy dance in my cubicle as my brain exploded with ideas and I planned out the whole process of how to do it very quickly. YESSSS!
After creating a sketch on my computer, I decide I will need 9 canvases. I started out creating a collage of similar colored papers on each canvas. I used some handmade paper I had made back in the early 90’s from old junkmail with rose petals added in, hymns from old hymnals, pages of Psalms from a Bible I use for my art, some maps of the world and scrapbooking paper. And then I covered each canvas with wadded up tissue paper for more texture. I used matte medium to hold everything down. I love this stuff!
Next, I used some modeling paste with a palette knife on top of some stencils. After that dried, I gave each canvas a wash of color, which is using paint with a lot of water added. Then after that dried, I covered the whole thing with matte medium to act as a preserver of the layers I had so far.
Then I started drawing the faces from my reference photos* onto each canvas in pencil according to my sketch. Then I painted over the pencil in black paint. Here’s a time-lapsed video of this part of the process.
This is ME–and maybe YOU too?
It came together very easily after all this time of waiting. As I was looking at my sketch, the realization of what I was creating struck me. This art piece is a picture of me last year. And the year before. And the 10 years before that. And even the 15 years before that!
This piece shows how broken, distorted, and layered lament, grief, and sorrow can look. Maybe you can see yourself in this piece as well? Pain is part of the human condition, but we have a Savior who meets us there and gives us life—gives us hope. Jesus, the Man of Sorrows who is acquainted with our grief, comforts us, just like he did for the women of Jerusalem. He was half-dead, on his way to a horrible death, and he stops and comforts these women who weren’t even part of his close followers. How much more is he there to comfort you!
Reference photos used in Layers of Lament are by Ali Raza Khan, Thought Catalog , and Sylke Freeke @NYFA.
You might be waiting for divine inspiration in this season that you’re in. It might take awhile, but it will come in His timing. Hang in there as you wait! He loves you so much, Lovely One–in EVERY SINGLE LAYER of your life!
See the Perspectives on the Passion Art Show Online
If you are interested, please visit the website for more information and to see the online show. I pray that as you view these perspectives of Jesus’s last day, that you will be reminded of what He did for you, and humbly (re)commit to following Him.