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“I’m Just Not Creative,” and Other Nonsense: Rediscover Your Creativity

"I'm just not creative" and other nonsense - Rediscover Your Creativity
“I’m just not creative” and other nonsense – Rediscover Your Creativity

Over the years, I’ve heard so many say:

“I’m just not creative.”

“I can’t draw.”

“I’m no artist.”

Hogwash! If you have uttered these words or even thought them, I want to challenge your thinking!

The Image of God: Imago Dei

So God created mankind in his own image,

    in the image of God he created them;

    male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27  (NIV)

After speaking the world into existence, God then created man and woman–the pinnacle of all that he had created–in his image. Our clever, creative God who dreamed up turtles and ladybugs, eagles, waterfalls, and sunsets, created YOU in his image.

Michelangelo - Creation of Adam
Michelangelo – Creation of Adam

According to,

“Imago Dei” comes from the Latin version of the Bible, translated to English as “image of God.” “Image of God” is defined as the metaphysical expression, associated uniquely to humans, which signifies the symbolical connection between God and humanity. The phrase has its origins in Genesis 1:27, wherein “God created man in his own image…” This biblical passage does not imply that God is in human form, but that humans are in the image of God in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual essence. Thus, humans reflect God’s divine nature in their ability to achieve the unique characteristics with which they have been endowed. These unique qualities make humans different than all other creatures: rational understanding, creative liberty, the capacity for self-actualization, and the potential for self-transcendence.

They further quote in saying:

In other words, for humans to have the conscious recognition of their being in the image of God means that they are the creature through whom God’s plans and purposes can be made known and actualized; humans, in this way, can be seen as co-creators with God. 

So guess what?


then YOU (Imago Dei)=CREATIVE

For you to say that you are not creative, is not only nonsense, but an absolute lie! Your entire life is art! Remember Ephesians 2:10?

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

He created you for purpose, for you to show his glory to the world in your own unique and creative way!

In Emily P. Freeman’s book, “A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live”, she says:

“Trees may declare God’s glory, but they do not bear his image. Jesus uncovers our remade image-bearing identity and invites us to release our glory-declaring capability. Being his workmanship doesn’t mean we are all poets. It means we are all poems, individual created works of a creative God. And this poetry comes out uniquely through us as we worship, think, love, pray, rest work, and exist. Jesus reminds us we are art, and empowers us to make art… Knowing you are a poem doesn’t confine you to be artsy, it releases you. We are art, every one of us. No matter our personality, skill, talent, or inclinations. The essence of being human is that we were made by desk with the hands of the Divine Artist.”

It’s Time to Rediscover Your Creativity

Some of you may still not believe that you are creative. But maybe, once upon a time as a child, you probably did consider yourself an artist. And then, perhaps, somewhere along the way as you grew up, someone made an insensitive comment, or you looked around, comparing your work to others’, and found yours lacking. Then the critics set up camp in your head. You know, the ones who say:

“You can’t draw.”

“You’re no artist.”

“You’re just not creative.”

“It’s a waste of time.”

Lovely one, it’s time to reject those lies, rediscover your creativity and breathe life into your soul once again!

Others of you know you are creative, or you “used to be”, but it’s been buried under the yuck of your life. Lovely One, it’s time to revive that creativity and breathe life into your soul once again!

You are a unique Masterpiece created in the image of God who is wildly creative. And you have that within YOU. Rediscover your creativity and start CREATING today! You will feel better and become more “you” than living without it.

What is Creativity?

And creating isn’t just drawing or painting. It’s writing, photography, baking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, conversing, designing, building, dancing, weaving, sculpting, singing, acting, playing an instrument and any other way you can express yourself in a creative way to a fallen world.

Creating is therapeutic and it’s FUN! Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from expressing yourself, even using your creating as an act of worship back to your Creator. Give it a go and see what happens! You’ll thank yourself for making the time to do it and you might even surprise yourself with what you create.

Here’s Some Things To Remember

  1. Stop saying you aren’t creative and ask God to help you see that you are!
  2. Stop finding excuses that keep you from creating.
  3. Don’t be a perfectionist thinking you have to create something “perfect” every time. That kind of pressure severely limits creativity!
  4. Don’t compare your work to someone else’s.
  5. Remember it’s process over product!
  6. Don’t just watch other people create online. It’s a procrastination trap that’s hard to get out of.
  7. Do commit to create daily in your own unique way – even if it’s only 5 minutes.
  8. Enjoy the process of expressing yourself in the moment, giving it back as an act of worship.
  9. Be fearless and try new things, new mediums.
  10. Own your style! You are unique, so why should your art look like someone else’s? You have a different way of seeing the things around you and that will translate into your own style. Explore and find out what that is!

How to Get Started

Now, I’m a little partial to drawing, painting and designing. To grow creatively in this way, here’s an easy way to get started.

  1. Pray and ask God to show you the unique ways he has made you. Write them down!
  2. Pray against perfectionism and comparison –not only during creating, but in every part of your life!
  3. Gather some simple art supplies together
    • Crayons
    • Colored pencils
    • Markers
    • Watercolors
    • Craft paint
    • Paper
    • Pencils
    • Pens
    • Brushes
    • Water, if needed
  4. Use your favorite colors and doodle, draw, explore lines and patterns
  5. If you’re scared of the blank, white page, write on it first. Journal your feelings and then write a truth response on top of it. Add background colors to express the emotions your feeling and then more details with markers.
  6. Write a verse, quote or a poem you wrote onto your creation
  7. Consider starting an art journal to keep all of your creations in one place

You are a Masterpiece, created in the image of a creative God. You were created for purpose to show His glory to a hurting world and you do that by living creatively. I’m praying you rediscover and revive your creativity today!